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Career Services

We can help you choose the right career, develop your career plan and assist with your employment search.

We want you to choose the right career, take the programs and courses you need to be successful in that career and find employment after graduation.  Wor-Wic offers a variety of career services to develop, evaluate and implement your career and educational plans.  

What Career Services Offers:

Career Services is available for one-on-one assistance to help choose your career path, develop a resume, or prepare for an interview.  Schedule an appointment and get the help you need!

Job Search Disclaimer

Wor-Wic is not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions or other aspects of off-campus employment.  Use caution and practical sense when applying for any position with an organization or private party. Never go alone to a residential address to apply for a job, and do not put yourself in a vulnerable position that could jeopardize your personal safety.